Larry Flynt's corporate-pimp speech is spoken with a patriarchal accent, somehow through a vagina. Exactly how is it that a woman's open vulva became his mouthpiece?--Julian Real We are using our First Amendment right to expose and critique hate speech. We are focusing here on corporate pimp and pornographer Larry Flynt because so many politicos and pundits from the Left have failed to comment on, much less confront Flynt’s hate speech. While Flynt's censored speech has been celebrated in mainstream film, the multibillion dollar sexxxism industry is mimicked in commercial advertising and pornography's themes and aesthetics are commonplace on TV shows. The sexual exploitation, violence, and degradation that previously were only found in pornography and other real-life sexual exploitation, violence, and degradation--is no longer only a staple in the centerfolds of a few adult magazines, but is, rather, a staple of corporate-owned media. Please be advised: This site is for people over 18 only. Please go no further if you are under 18 years of age. There is graphic, sexually and ethnically degrading and hateful material on this site which is being shown for specific anti-sexist, anti-racist, and anti-child abuse purposes. If you are triggered by hate speech imagery we strongly caution you about entering this site. It is in no way our intention to re-traumatize anyone already injured by the kind of material presented here. On the other hand, we hope that our analysis of the hate speech republished here will be empowering. Each page of this site contains a link back to this warning. [In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit for research and educational purposes. Hustling the Left has no affiliation whatsoever with the originator of these images (Hustler) nor is Hustling the Left endorsed or sponsored by the originator (Hustler). These images from Hustler are required for our expression. We need them to write on and have our say--create our Art, if you will. Therefore in our opinion copyright laws do not apply; nor can copyright law--in this instance--limit our expression because this is the essence of the point we are making with this website.] Nikki Craft, July 15, 2005 Many of the people putting together this site have been longtime supporters of Amy Goodman, Democracy Now, and Free Speech TV. ..My last publicly supportive comment of Free Speech TV is documented on May 26 2005 where I wrote this note to Stan Goff's blog...I say my last public support was published May 26, 2005 because on June 5, 2005 I received Aura Bogado's article "Hustling the Left." Amy Goodman's issue was still on the stands when I wrote those supportive words. This is a flagrant example of political irresponsibility that is deeply insulting to feminists and to the Left. I, and others involved with this website, expect these acts of egregious political callousness to be owned and apologized for by the involved parties and that sufficient signs of accountability and responsibility will be shown. --Nikki Craft |
![]() Manufactured Contempt: Even Larry Flynt looked cuddly at Durham's doc fest ... "Hell, even Larry Flynt appears downright cuddly in The Right to Be Left Alone, a meager bio-doc that put a little sex in the otherwise scholarly Full Frame program and I mean a little, like almost none." -- City Pages, May 2, 2007 Larry Flynt: The Right to be Left Alone has just been released as the "Center Frame" film at the Full Frame Documentary Festival, sposored by Duke University, The New York Times and HBO. Full Frame's logo is "How much reality can you handle?", but the movie, which uses propaganda tactics, is a very unreal portrayal of Flynt. For more information please visit: Larry Flynt: The Right to Be Left Alone? WARNING! In an article released 08.09.05 Bruce David, Larry Flynt's right hand man at Hustler magazine, has made yet another false accusation against Aura Bogado. He wrote, " Finally, we have to point out that Bogado has apparently gone on to create a new Web site—" This is not true. Until we put up this website no one at Hustling the Left even knew her. It took us a month before we finally were able to reach her by phone to get permission to reprint her article on our website. —HtL08.09.05 Don't want to read the articles? Just want to look at the pictures? Go to our Gallery or the Hustler Hate Speech Slideshow
IMPORTANT: The pages on this site are graphic heavy and huge on each page. (Apologies to those vistors from dialups!) You must scan to the bottom of each page to be aware of the complete content herein. Thanks. Amy Goodman's cover interview, Hustler, July, 2005 "Who are we to pass judgement on the readers of Hustler as potential supporters of Democracy Now?" --Denis Moynihan of Democracy Now Larry Flynt Hustles Noam Chomsky! Think Chomsky supports Hustler? Think again! Hustler interviews Noam Chomsky in their August 2005 issue as an intellectual visionary. If you think he did this with full consent, read on. Susie Bright has done interviews with Hustler and the "raw" interview text confirms Bright can almost be categorized as a Hustler consultant. Raw Interview Greg Palast's says "Larry Flynt is putting us in between the beaver shots." and "The Left hasn't had an erection in years." and Palast apparently wants the Left to get that erection by any means necessary. He is a proud, regular columnist for Huster who lunches and socializes often with Bruce David, the editor. Other's who cooperate with Larry Flynt and Hustler include Jesse Jackson, Helen Caldicott, People who, according to Flynt, have "not been so forthcoming" with Hustler include Steve Rendall of Fairness and Accuracy in Media, Ben Bagdikian, author of The Media Monopoly and Robert McChesney, author of Rich Media Poor Democracy, have all blown us off when we requested interviews. So have Ralph Nader, Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich and "even [his] good friend" Arianna Huffington. Subscribe to our activist list at the bottom of this page. |
Our first speech-action is exposing the unethical speech acts of Hustler Magazine. We have chosen Flynt's magazine for exposure, due to the oft-held but mistaken belief that Flynt is pro-"Free Speech" and "Anti-Censorship". Flynt has a long determined history of using his publications and videos as an attempt to silence feminists and their speech through systematic mischaracterizations, intimidation techniques, and racist, classist, and woman-hating mockery. More... Hustling the Left by Aura Bogado June 05, 2005 Originally published by ZNET In August of last year, just days before the Republican National Convention in New York, I received an email from a local (Los Angeles) chapter of Not In Our Name (NION). The group, which I have never been a member of, had been organizing a letter-writing campaign with hopes of pressuring Mayor Michael Bloomberg to grant permits to protest on the streets of New York against the Convention. NION's email proclaimed enthusiastically how Larry Flynt had endorsed their letter-writing campaign. As a woman of color who opposes the type of violence that Hustler Magazine* *celebrates in their publication, I was dismayed that NION chose to align themselves with Flynt. For that reason, I sent a personal email back to NION, asking to be removed from the list. Los Angeles NION organizer Robert Corsini not only responded to me, but also forwarded his response, along with my original personal email, to both of my bosses at the local community radio station I work with, and to Larry Flynt Publishing. Because he violated my trust and attempted to ridicule me, I responded to Robert Corsini and the entire email list to explain my disgust with Hustler. A flame war quickly erupted, with people on all sides of the issue exchanging emails. What has followed is an interesting example of power politics, the most recent round ending in Hustler publishing several extremely offensive articles and cartoons condemning me as a 'femi fascist' for having the courage to speak out against their brand of pornography as a form of institutionalized gender and racial violence. The experience has led me to examine the greater umbrella of the so-called 'left', and to scrutinize the conditions under which a Goliath like Flynt is sanctioned by it. More... This is the letter Ms. Bogado wrote to Not In Our Names when she learned the Los Angeles leader had sought the endorsement of Hustler and Larry Flynt: I am outraged that NION LA would use an endorsement from a misogynist like Larry Flynt to garner attention to what may very well be one of the biggest demonstrations in recent history. I will be in New York because as a woman of color, I want to stand against oppression and domination in all its forms. Sexism and racism are a flagrant part of Flynt's capitalist exploitation. I visited and linked to an interesting article titled, "The Rape Shield Law: It's Just Wrong". In it, Flynt essentializes feminists as "anti-men", and says that Rape Shield laws create an "uneven playing field" for rape victims. It's very easy to kill Iraqis when we de-humanize them. By de-humanizing women through pornography it's similarly easy to rape them and say laws are created that give these women and unfair advantage. More... Launching Into Histerics: Larry Flynt's Over-reaction to Ms. Bogado Flynt's screeching, hate-adled, racist, woman-hating rant against Bogado for holding hate-speech king (aka Flynt) and Not In Our Names (aka NION) accountable for hopping into the PAC-sack together appears below. Ah, the life of politics and the politics of life in contemporary America: you cry, you laugh, OR you are outraged. It is with dry eyes, a modicum of humor, and a healthy, constructive dose of outrage that we contend that the porn emperor and his suitor were caught wearing no clothes. We contend Flynt's histeria might have to do with the fact that he's gotten too used to being the only clothed one in his court. (And by clothed we DO mean unexamined.) What follows is Hustler's side of the story as published on their website. This is where the Flynt's brand of "freedom of speech" has taken us. This is where oppression-protecting conservative libertarianism has taken us. Read on, friends. A Response by Susie Bright June 09, 2005 This is a response to the article "Hustling the Left" which appeared on ZNet on June 5, 2005. Aura Bogado may think that I made a number of "incorrect assumptions" about her, but I think I had a better sense of her politics than she has made of mine. When Hustler called me and asked me to write a hit piece on her, I had enough sense to reply that they were out of line. I wish she might have given me the same benefit of the doubt. But no good deed goes unpunished, eh? When a Hustler editor called me up and portrayed Bogado as a huge enemy to freedom of speech and sexual liberation, I said something along the lines of: "Oh Please." And that was knowing that her views on sexual politics were probably more conservative than mine. More... FULL TEXT OF BRIGHT INTERVIEW WITH HUSTLER In response to Bright's (and others') suggestion that Hustler was unfair in its editing of the interview with Susie Bright (re Pacifica Radio and Aura Bogado), Hustler published the whole thing, unedited, on Larry Flynt's website. Judge for yourselves. And you know, this is why it is abject foolishness to shill for the pornography industry or for the Left. More... This is Ms. Bogado's reply to Bright's response to the original article. Reply to Susie Bright --June 14, 2005 Susie, ...You are correct that I don’t know about your family, but I do know that as a white woman, you are afforded privileges I will never know of. I don’t need to know what you have or have not written about “racism, class and sexual representation” in the past to conclude that you are using your white privilege to avoid the issues that women of color have brought up about Hustler today – your response to me is an indication of it, you do not approach the way Hustler is co-opting the left while publishing sexually violent images. Your contention that I somehow owe you something for not publishing a hit piece about me also illustrates the racist paternalism with which you are willing to approach me. Please remember, however, that you are not in a position to protect me, and you are surely not my white savior. Your suggestion that I’m taking the easy way by slamming Hustler, saying that “[i]t's a lot easier to sling mud at nekkid pictures” than it is to attack corporate media is offensive and patriarchal. I think I am informed enough to know when I need to take action, and I certainly don’t need you suggesting what to do or how to do it. It is not surprising to me that you bring up the point that many white males have raised since my article: “straight” media perpetuates sexism and racism in its pages, without critical critique. First, this is wholly untrue- from Media Studies classes to movies like Outfoxed, there is a wave of meaningful critique around corporate media. Second, such media institutions are not attempting to blatantly co-opt the left, as Hustler is clearly attempting to do. Third, if the New York Times, for example, were to publish cartoons anywhere close to the cartoons that Hustler printed of me and many others, they would certainly get slammed much, much harder than the way Hustler does. More... "To Aura, an overdue apology" Not in Our Name Steering Committee June 16, 2005 Recently, Aura Bogado published an article on Znet detailing her traumatic experience with Hustler magazine, Larry Flynt and, to a lesser degree, the part that the Not in Our Name project played in all of this ("Hustling the Left", 6/5/05). Ms. Bogado didn’t focus primarily on her interaction with Not in Our Name as much as she raised important questions around the relationship between pornography, sexism and the left, and we appreciate this. Upon reading her account, many of us, who were not aware that Hustler was waging a very personal and graphic attack on Ms. Bogado, were brought to tears with anger and frustration, for Ms. Bogado especially, and for the fact that we had anything to do with this experience. Let us say first that we are sorry. We are fairly confident that there is little that could, at this point, ease any of the horrendous experience that Ms. Bogado has been through. Nevertheless, we feel it’s necessary to issue a sincere public apology for our part in this to Ms. Bogado, and to all of those who support Not in Our Name. If we are to do justice to the great work that many people have carried out under the banner of Not in Our Name over the last three years, we must publicly take responsibility for our role in all of this. More... Nikki Craft points out a serious contradiction in the Not In Our Name (NION) Apology and asks how much money they got from Hustler. We still await their response. More... War Declared On Hustler Editor Bruce David Sunday, June 19, 2005 Tiger Lilly writes: Greetings. This is to announce that Hustler's 'Declaration of War' has been answered. We are a group of women and men, both presently and formerly employed by Larry Flynt Publications, who can no longer tolerate the sick and violent direction that Bruce David has driven the magazine. More... You ain't doing shit if you aren't Asshole of the Month in Hustler. Blogs that have discussed Aura Bogado's article Gentle Spirit Stan Goff's Feral Scholar Princeton Progressive Review, Pornographers Gone Wild Another Hustler Kirsten Anderberg (Warning: triggering content.) Bitch Magazine S(hit) List While attempting to position his magazine as a progressive publication, Flynt is using the tactics of reactionary conservatives such as Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh to attack women who stand against violence [and] degradation. In a recent book, Savage complains that the New York Times is contaminated by 'femi-fascists, the Commu-Nazis'. I would argue that it's no coincidence that in the February issue of Hustler, the editors refer to me as a 'femi-fascist' and a 'Stalinist', and commissioned a caricature of me as some type of Nazi/fascist. These unfounded characterizations are so similar to conservative attacks on other feminists that it's difficult to distinguish them in print. Both camps (if they are indeed, truly different) make unfounded attacks that have little to do with the real issues at hand.
Aura Bogado's article "Hustling the Left" is listed at this site in the "Women Specific Links" section for Street Harassment, Violence, and Exploitation. This site has rightly identified what happened to Aura as sexual harassment. |
From an August 3rd, 2004 Democracy Now interview Amy Goodman did with Larry Flynt AMY GOODMAN: What about the criticism, Larry Flynt, that you have profited for so many years off of the exploitation and degradation of women, like showing a woman in a meat grinder. Your response to that? LARRY FLYNT: Well, most of the criticism comes from the radical feminist movement, who really only claim to fame is to urge a bunch of ugly women to march behind. Other than that, I haven't received criticism. Larry Flynt says most of the criticism against his magazine comes from the radical feminist movement. We ask: Where have you been? |